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What Is Causing Your Headaches?

How your dentist in Pueblo, CO can help prevent headache pain.

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? If so, did you know your dentist can help prevent your headache pain? It’s true! In fact, headache pain is often caused by grinding and clenching your teeth, especially while you sleep.

Dr. Elmer A. Villalon in Pueblo, CO specializes in treatment for grinding, clenching, and sleep disorders, and he can help with your headache pain.

Headaches are caused by many different issues include muscle strain, stress, and underlying medical conditions. They can also be caused by dental habits involving your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ.

The TMJ is a complex joint, which moves in a sliding motion. It is the joint that helps you open and close your jaw when you chew your food. It can also be active if you grind or clench your teeth in your sleep.

The continual grinding and clenching leads to jaw stress and pain, which can spread to other areas of your face and head, causing facial and headache pain.

If you wake up in the morning with a headache, chances are your headache is from grinding or clenching.

There are some home remedies you can try to get relief, including:

  • Taking over-the-counter pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Gently massaging your jaw muscles and your face
  • Applying moist heat or ice packs to your jaws, face, and head

If you suffer frequent, severe headaches, it’s best to visit a specialist like Dr. Villalon. He may recommend:

  • Wearing a custom-fitted splint or nightguard
  • Stretching and physical therapy exercises
  • Medication therapy including muscle relaxants and sedatives

To read more detailed information about headaches and headache treatment, please visit the Headache section on the website at

You don’t have to suffer uncomfortable, debilitating headaches when help is just a phone call away. To find out more about help for your headaches, call Dr. Elmer A. Villalon in Pueblo, CO at (719) 542-7844. Call now and find relief for your headaches.

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