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Causes of Neuropathic Pain

Dr. Elmer Villalon of Pueblo, CO, helps patients with neuropathic face pain manage their pain and stay healthy. Neuropathic pain happens when the nervous system is damaged or not functioning properly. Damaged nerves send incorrect signals to pain centers. The damage can come from injury or trauma caused by disease. The result is sometimes burning pain, and sometimes numbness or tingling. Neuropathic pain is tough to manage, but we can help.

Read about the causes of neuropathic pain and come visit us in Pueblo, CO, if you are in pain:

  • Nerve compression. The most common neuropathic pain condition is trigeminal neuralgia or compression of the trigeminal nerve. The nerve has a protective coating called a myelin sheath and when a blood vessel presses on the nerve it damages this coating. Compression of this nerve can cause enough dysfunction that incorrect signals are sent to the brain and cause pain.
  • Tumors. A tumor pressing on a nerve is one thing that can damage a nerve and cause neuropathic pain.
  • Multiple sclerosis is an auto-immune disease that affects the central nervous system. It causes permanent damage to the myelin sheath and pain in the head, face, and neck.
  • Oral nerve injury is a common complication after having wisdom teeth removed and can happen after other dental procedures too. Symptoms are numbness and tingling in the mouth, tongue, and lower lip.
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The exact cause of complex regional pain syndrome isn't completely understood, but most theories acknowledge an initial injury. After an injury and healing, damaged nerves still send pain signals.
  • Injuries can damage nerves so that they continue to relay pain signals even after healing.

The cause of your pain could be unique and a combination of several factors. If you are in pain and have never been diagnosed, it's important to see a doctor to target the cause of your pain. If you are dealing with neuropathic face pain in the Pueblo, CO, area, Dr. Elmer Villalon is here to help you manage your pain. Contact us for an appointment at (719) 542-7844.

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