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Sleep Apnea and Its Treatments

Dr. Elmer Villalon treats sleep apnea patients in Pueblo, CO. If you or someone close to you notices signs of sleep apnea, you should see a doctor to be evaluated and treated. Leaving sleep apnea untreated can lead to all sorts of complications including an elevated risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Get evaluated today to get better rest and avoid complications!

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea, or obstructive sleep apnea, is a disorder characterized by narrowed airways that cause the sufferer to stop breathing during sleep. It also causes loud snoring, but not all snoring means sleep apnea. Waking up again and again throughout the night is very stressful on your heart and your whole body, so you could become fatigued and irritable during the day.

Patients with sleep apnea can go undiagnosed for years because they don't notice they are waking up during the night, they just start to feel the symptoms during the day. In fact, it's often a close family member or partner that first notices the signs of sleep apnea.

How do you treat sleep apnea?

When you have sleep apnea in Pueblo, CO, your doctor will likely recommend CPAP therapy or oral appliances. These treatments can help most patients with sleep apnea get better rest. Surgery is typically only recommended if other measures don't improve sleep.

CPAP therapy stands for continuous positive airway pressure. The patient wears a mask attached to a machine that supplies a steady flow of air. This keeps the airways open while you sleep. CPAP therapy is very effective but some patients have trouble wearing the mask, and an oral appliance may be a better option for these patients.

Oral appliances are worn in the mouth like a mouthguard or retainer during sleep. There are several types, but each device helps to stabilize the jaw and tongue to keep airways open while you sleep.

If you have sleep apnea in Pueblo, CO, Dr. Villalon can help. Treating sleep apnea means better sleep for you, so visit us to find out which method of treatment is recommended for you. Contact us for an appointment at (719) 542-7844.

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