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Oral Appliances To Reduce Teeth Grinding

Get teeth grinding under control by simply wearing a dental device while you sleep.

Are you guilty of grinding your teeth? Do you do it while you sleep? Are you experiencing TMJ disorder as a result? If so, our Pueblo, CO, dentist Dr. Elmer Villalon can offer you relief in the form of a custom-fitted oral appliance that can protect your teeth while also easing jaw pain and stiffness due to TMJ.

What is teeth grinding? 

Teeth grinding, also referred to as bruxism, is a bad habit that involves grinding or rubbing teeth together. This pressure of enamel against enamel can lead to wear and tear on teeth, which can weaken teeth over time. Some people with bruxism only do it during the day, while others will clench their teeth at night. Those who grind their teeth at night may be dealing with TMJ or other jaw disorders, which our Pueblo, CO, dentists can easily help you get under control.

What are the symptoms of teeth grinding? 

Bruxism can cause aching pain and stiffness in the jaws, headaches, and even damage teeth. Over time you may notice that your teeth have flattened or you may experience more fractures and chips in your teeth. You may also notice an increase in tooth sensitivity.

When should I see my dentist about teeth grinding? 

While not everyone will need treatment, particularly if your case is mild, you should see us right away if you notice tooth sensitivity, worn teeth, jaw pain and stiffness, or frequent morning headaches.

How are teeth grinding and TMJ treated? 

Since it's a little tough to control your teeth grinding at night because you're asleep, this is where oral appliance therapy can help. This device is a plastic, custom-made dental guard that fits over the top teeth and it’s designed to keep your teeth from rubbing and grinding against each other and wearing away enamel. Instead, all the force from the grinding goes into the dental device. This means a decrease in morning headaches as well as jaw pain and stiffness, which is a relief for anyone who has TMJ disorder.

Dr. Villalon and his Pueblo, CO, dental team are dedicated to providing care to alleviate TMJ-related pain due to teeth grinding and clenching. If you are interested in learning more about oral appliance therapy and whether it’s right for you, call us at (719) 542-7844 to schedule an evaluation.

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